I want to start this by saying, "TEXTURED PLASTICARD IS A RIP OFF"
I'm glad i got that out of my system.
I've purchased "the outcast dead" by the black library to read after i've finished my current stephen king book "skeleton crew" (you know the one with the mist in.) I've really enjoyed the heresy series so far so look forward to getting this read and reviewed soon.
Also up is some brush soap, how my poor brushes have needed this for the last year and i have neglected them. (shame on me) for £4 for a life times supply (unless you lose it like i did last time) you cant REALLY complain. GET SOME.
Theres also 2 brand spanking new Windsor and newton series 7's in sizes 00 and 000. I used to use the miniature series but now trying that standard 7's out.
Theres not much in it to be honest... i hope to do a little comparison soon.(also including that crappy eavy metal brush set they released around christmas)
The textured plasticard i want for basing, but i;ve already summed that up at the start of the post..
Finally theres a set of MK 5 heresy era armour from forge world. Just the thing for my carcharodons army!
I'm going to post a good look at the contents of this set when i crack it open.
Heres the pic.
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Hey Marsekay, thank you for your kind comments on the blog. I've joined your network and am looking forward to being a part of it.